Cooper Kupp Los Angeles Rams Super Bowl LVI Champions MVP 10" Player Bobblehead Doll Bobble

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What. A. Season. And that championship probably doesn't happen without this guy right here. Make the most valuable addition to your lineup with this Cooper Kupp Los Angeles Rams Super Bowl LVI Champions MVP Bobblehead.
Portrays player wearing his gameday uniform and holding MVP trophy, showing off all that most valuable-ness
Thematic MVP backdrop with commemorative championship logo display so you can keep the celebration going
Super Bowl LVI logo display on reverse side of backdrop to help you immortalize the biggest of games
Team logo displays on top and front of base, in case there were any doubts where your allegiances lie
Front name display so everyone knows who the face of your franchise is
Hand painted
Measures Approximately 10 in. in height

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Please understand that all handmade items, by nature, may have imperfections. Although we are thorough, there can be inconsistencies based on the creative nature, and it is possible that one item may look a little different from the next.
Our items may have natural and unique imperfections.
Any item you purchase is one of a kind. There are no two items that are exactly the same.
Not a toy
Limited Edition to 2,022 made, Individually numbered
Officially licensed